The following is a little summary, to obtain $ 10,000 from amazon is not impossible.
$10,000 per month from amazon is not impossible,
If calculated,
if we sell goods worth $ 100
4% commission, so get a commission $ 4
$ 10,000: 4 = 2500 items / month
2500 item: 30 days = 84 items
And so, why get $ 10,000 per month from amazon
We just have to sell 84 items a day
For 30 days, the price is $ 100,
Yes just like that and very simple it is.Whatever technique you use, whatever the method, the script,Blog, tool2, and ebook2 you read, And whatever expensive MUCH, you can not sell at least 84 items per day For 30 days, the price @ $ 100/item,
Yes not be able to get $ 10,000 per month.
Well now there's a question in your mind, how?Try to change your mindset, with a simple method,
Without an expensive tool, you can generate
$ 10.000/month from amazon. Focus on how to sell 84 items a day,
Klo you still dizzy thinking about who deindex amazon site,
How'll be page one, in the future you'll be seo experts,
Not an expert in the field of affiliate amazon, if you want to be a seo expert,
Learn problem seo, seo services and open, the result would also
Not bad, klo want expert in the amazon, the focus of how
84 items sold per day. Last but not least, if you do not have dream,
or imagine earning tens of thousands to hundreds
and millions of dollar from internet,
then you will never get it,
Minimum target that from now on,
Do not make all things become difficult, Make it simple,
ever heard the story of a motivational book
Between two competing companies,
that the use of advanced technologi
spend millions of dollars,
and that one only uses simple technology,
but the result is the same, thus saving millions of dollars,
(look at the search engine wrote the story)
Make it simple So, how to let me sell 84 items a day,
kreatifkan yourself, if you still buy ebook2 tutorial,
"How to make money from xxx" and the like,
If the author of the ebook is $ 10,000 per month income,
Not necessarily share all the techniques in the ebook,
Your income and do not necessarily match or may exceed,
Nothing wrong with buying ebook tutorial, but my advice,
If you buy the ebook tutorial2 it, find that there is the support forum,
Or is it more efficient and better if you find yourself through the search engines,
many millions of dollars worth tutorials
flying for free on the internet this.
charity, it is mandatory to support earnings. Always Use your creativity, surfive, & never give up.